It is now a known fact that our planet is in the midst of a growing climate crisis.  The most recent scientific assessments by the UN’s panel of climate scientists state that expanded action is needed to both reduce carbon emissions and to “drawdown” carbon from the atmosphere (which is known as carbon sequestration).   The only currently known methods to rapidly scale-up carbon drawdown efforts are nature-based solutions, and there is a particular interest in focusing on urban landscapes for a national/global strategy.  It is based on this reality and opportunity that Rid-All worked with the Urban Drawdown Initiative (a consortium of national and international cities) to host a conference in January of 2020 in Cleveland to explore the role that urban communities can play to demonstrate effective carbon drawdown, including planting vegetables and trees and composting soil.  Rid-All is stepping up to lead this effort and believes that it will become a successful national demonstration project that connects urban farms and other urban greening efforts, leading to significant carbon drawdown results.  This initiative will include youth training and engagement with several cities across the country.


Organizations supporting the Urban Drawdown Initiative (Click on Image to be taken to their websites